Fable 4 story ideas
Fable 4 story ideas

fable 4 story ideas

Not saying it wouldn't be good, but it's not a Fable game without the Fable-type humor.

fable 4 story ideas

You can get the idea of the game and make it fun gameplay-wise, but story and writing probably just won't be the same. Give it to some other company (esp one that isn't British) and you're just not going to get the charm. Like, you realise you'd NEVER get a Fable game like the trilogy if someone else worked on it, right? Lionhead as an entirety seemed like these games were their children, all of the jokes were always just sort-of their thing and their humor. And while I can understand Microsoft keeping it, I don't think I'd ever understand them giving it to another company. They won't make any money off keeping it, and even making a trash game would give them some profit (not a lot, but an indie games that seem amazing but turn out trash make millions too).


The issue really is why Microsoft is keeping the full IP from Lionhead/Flaming Fowl, or even another game studio as you said. controller as in keyboard OR XBox/PS controller) RPG title. What you (and everyone else usually) wants is a controller-played (. I mean, you have some of the IP with Fable Fortune, but that could never count as a Fable VI either. Mix those with the fact that Fable ratings took a dip in quality (Fable I & II were both generally positive, and then Fable III was generally positive until it hit PC, in which ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ were thrown over bugs and UI), it's likely that Microsoft would need a lot of reason to want to give them the full IP again.

fable 4 story ideas

You know the British, slightly politically incorrect sense of humour, especially with Fable, where we had pr*stitutes (can't believe Steam censors that?!) and same-sex marriage. So either Peter Molynuex rejoins his former employer Microsoft or Lionhead leaves Microsoft along with the rights for Fable and joins with Peter Molynuex." - "I think it was the sense of humour. With some lines from GameNGuide & Molyneux "Peter Molyneux is no longer part of Microsoft and Lionhead Studios. Not to mention the earliest I can see anything posted is back in 2016 (and it's all just "lol it'll happen" and not even anything convincing). You could hand over whatever sources you have, since everything I found is of the following News sources talking about how Molyneux wanted to make FVI, videos and pictures of Fable Journey (which I'd rather die than admit exists), vidoes and pictures of Fable Legends, and people just /saying/ that there's going to be one with no real font of information.

Fable 4 story ideas